About AP Design
AP Design is a creative design agency with a passion for visual communication. We are your creative partner who always delivers, with personal commitment and a secure service policy. We prioritize long-term relationships and are committed to both our clients and society. Read more about AP Design below.
AP Design är ett kreativt och innovativt företag baserat i Västerås men hjälper kunder i hela Sverige och utomlands. Med ett starkt fokus på att erbjuda heltäckande lösningar arbetar vi nära våra kunder och hjälper dem att växa genom smarta och effektiva lösningar som förenar estetik, funktion och strategi.
Med tjänster som webbdesign, webbutveckling, digital produktion, UI/UX-design, migrering och redesign av hemsidor, SEO, copywriting, logotyper, fotoredigering, videoredigering och mycket mer, skräddarsyr vi varje projekt efter våra kunders unika behov.
We also offer ad management and production for publishers and media houses, including newspaper ads, native articles, and newsletter ads.

You will be satisfied
Our goal is to build long-term relationships and create sustainable solutions that make a difference – both for our customers and for society. We believe in the power of collaboration and work closely with our customers to deliver solutions that provide real value and help their businesses stand out.
Whether you need a new website, a graphic profile or support in your advertising, we are here to help you achieve your goals.
Welcome to collaborate with us – together we build the solutions of the future today!
We are here for you, whenever you need us.
Commitment to society
We have a strong desire to influence and make our world a better place, for everyone!
AP Design is since 2021 certified member of Lokala Hjälpen – which helps increase local companies' commitment to society. We want to make Västerås a more sustainable, safe and attractive city. Together we have collected over 1 million SEK/year. We are proud of that.
Sports, exercise and Physical activity provides health benefits that lead to reduced societal costs. AP Design sponsors Barkarö SK, a local club, and IF Zmajevi, which helps children and young people play football without expensive fees.
To have mentors is one of the factors behind successful entrepreneurs. We want to use our experience, expertise and network to help young people with their business ideas. AP Design has been an advisor to over twenty different companies since 2019.
Together, advisor and mentee work in a structured way with the specific needs and challenges that the mentee has, and in this way be able to realize their dreams. Since 2021, AP Design has been mentoring new entrepreneurs who have registered via NyföretagarCentrum.
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